155 Fleet Street

Portsmouth, NH, 03801

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Conflict Consulting

Learn skills to gain confidence and resolve conflicts.


Improve how you manage conflict


Feel and preform with more confidence


Focus on one to two areas of improvement

Positivie Solutions

More likely to achieve positive and constructive conclusions


Perhaps you have to interface with a difficult person and you need strategies and techniques to help you hold your ground and reach a resolution. Or, maybe your latest performance review noted that you have a difficult time handling disputes with your co-workers or customers. What should you do?

Conflict coaching is a one-on-one service whereby a specialist explores the situation with you and then works collaboratively to identify constructive techniques you can deploy. Depending on your need or desire, the Conflict Coach will assist on a one-time basis, through a series of difficult situations, or help you develop conflict management skills to practice continually.

Frequently Asked Questions about Conflict Coaching

Think of a conflict coach similar to other coaches, his goal is to help your performance when you get into a conflict. The coach will assess how you deal with conflict in the settings that concern you. The coach will then suggest ways to help you manage better. The conflict coach helps you develop a style that works and she will encourage you to try it and then discuss how it went.

No. Once the conflict coach assesses the way you typically handle conflict and identifies the usual setting, he will offer alternatives. The goal of conflict coaching is for you to feel not only skilled and experienced but also comfortable. The coaching sessions are dialogs rather than a review of a playbook.

No. A conflict coach is not a therapist. A conflict coach will help you look at the typical settings as well as the alternative approaches and styles that may work for you. Exactly what the coach offers depends upon why you sought out the assistance.

The next step is to send a note of interest to Mediation Partners New England. CLICK HERE to complete contact information and someone will get back to you within two days. If you’d prefer, you can call at 617-799-8706 to speak to Susan directly.


Get your first free online consultation

Are you and another party struggling with a conflict? We offer 30 minutes of initial consultation free by telephone or video conference.



Are you and another party struggling with a conflict? We offer 30 minutes of initial consultation free by telephone or video conference.

The initial consultation will provide an overview of my mediation services, approach and process. A brief description of the circumstances will be explored.